We participate in several projects because we have seen our students’ needing alternative ways of pedagogical methods, we have also participated in several Etwinning and Erasmus projects. This year we will work also in SHORE project as an awarded school. We participate every year in European activities about coding such a code week in October and discovery stem week in April. We hope that we encourage our students to be active and sensitive citizens through this project. We want to motivate our students to be open-minded people and to feel that they belong to the big European family. Our school participates in several European innovative projects. It is a member of the open schools (ossos) of Europe and has presented its actions several times in Greek conferences. It also participates in innovative applications of pedagogical methods in collaboration with Greek universities, such as the application of the jigsaw collaborative method in the educational process. It is etwinning school and the teachers are participating in several innovative moocs of European school education gateway about stem, biodiversity, europeana, code week etc.