
BlueLights / Events


November 14, 2024


Piraeus, Greece

How to strengthen blue education in Greece?

Supporting the implementation of the Greek National Strategy for Sustainability Education and Citizenship

Date & Time: 14 November 2024, 17:00–19:15 CET

Location: 82, Iroon Polytechniou Ave, 18536, Piraeus, 6th floor

Languages: English and Greek

Join us for an interactive workshop on enhancing sustainability and “blue” education in Greece, in alignment with the Greek National Strategy for Sustainability Education and Citizenship. This workshop will share EU insights, present the BlueLightS project, and outline potential blue education initiatives, specifically focused on freshwater and ocean ecosystems.

Workshop Highlights

  1. Overview of Greece’s National Sustainability Education Strategy
  2. Inspiring blue education practices from EU Blue Schools and the BlueLightS project
  3. Interactive brainstorming session to identify priority actions for Greece’s blue education


17:00Welcome and Objectives

Natassa Kazantzidou (IDEC, Greece), Yolanda Koulouri (HCMR, Greece), Pierre Strosser (ACTeon, France)

17:10 – Setting the Scene

  1. The Greek National Strategy for Sustainability Education & Citizenship – Nikos Christodoulou, Institute of Educational Policy (TBC)
  2. Strengthening Blue Education & BlueLightS Project Overview – Pierre Strosser, BlueLightS Project Coordinator (ACTeon, France)

17:30 – EU Blue Education Experiences

  1. The Network of EU Blue Schools – Evy Copejans (EMSEA, Belgium)
  2. Aires Educatives in France – Louise Bigot (OFB, France)
  3. Blue Education Activities in Catalonia – Carine Simon (CSIC, Spain)
  4. Escola Azul Programme in Portugal – Ana Noronha (Ciencia Viva, Portugal)

18:15 – Experimenting with Blue Education for Greece: BlueLightS Project

  1. Experimentation Overview – Pierre Strosser (ACTeon, France)
  2. Ideas for Greece – Yolanda Koulouri (HCMR, Greece)
  3. Interactive Brainstorming – All Participants

19:00 – Key Takeaways and Closing Remarks

Nikos Christodoulou (Institute of Educational Policy), Pierre Strosser (ACTeon, France), Yolanda Koulouri (HCMR, Greece)

19:15 – End of Workshop & Social Gathering

Who Should Attend

Educators, researchers, policymakers, and EU sustainability experts interested in advancing blue education in Greece.


Mission Ocean’s BlueLightS project, with support from ACTeon (France), HCMR (Greece), IDEC (Greece), and the Institute of Educational Policy.


The event is “invitation only”, so If you are interested in attending, please contact us at:

  1. HCMR: Yolanda Koulouri (, Argyro Andriopoulou (
  2. IDEC: Irene Gkotsi (